Dictation in French : La dictée inquiétante

La dictée inquiétante – The disturbing dictation in French

As it is Halloween, although it is not a festival which is widely celebrated in France, it is always a good excuse to learn new French vocabulary; we have published a new video for you!

Our Director of Studies Priscilla will be your teacher for this disturbing dictation.

In this free French video-lesson, we recommend that you consider 3 aspects of French:

PHONETICS: the sounds – you don’t truly know how to pronounce words like: château, corbeau, jaune, obscure? Is it the same sound? Is it different? Find the answer in our video.

GRAMMAR: special forms of the past tense: le passé récent, le futur proche au passé et le présent progressif au passé … will no longer be a mystery to you!

LEXICON (VOCAB): the vocabulary of FEAR to frighten your friends.

To do the dictation, click pause and listen as many times as you wish.

After, you can re-read your dictation once or twice and try to correct your errors independently. Think carefully about agreements, the gender of words and the tense used…

Once you are ready, you can download the PDF file of the correct version.

And we advise you to re-listen to the video of the disturbing dictation to try and understand your errors.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment under this article.

You can also tell us which video-lessons you would be interested in in the future.

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