Discover Entrevaux a beautiful medieval village

Are you holidaying on the French Riviera, whether to study French or just to enjoy the sun, and would like to visit a lovely nearby town?

Why not explore Entrevaux ?


Discover Entrevaux with alpha.b guide or by yourself

In Entrevaux we like to…

• Get to the village going over the draw bridge and through the medieval gate

• Stroll through the narrow streets

• Go up 800m of steps to get to the medieval citadel


• Discover the cathedral dating back to the 17th century and its organ

• Visit the communal ovens and the flour and oil mills

• Go for a hike in the Mercantour National Park and the gorges at Dalius, Cians and Moyen Verdon

• Take the Train de Pignes or the steam train (on Sundays)


Entrevaux citadel open 7 days a week – Visit duration: 1h30 Price: 3€

Getting there: By the Train des Pignes – Leaving from Nice

For more information go to:

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