Discover St Paul de Vence – Our TOP 10 things to do

Are you holidaying in Nice, whether to study French or just to enjoy the sun, and would like to explore the French riviera ?

Why not discover Saint Paul de Vence ?

At St Paul de Vence we like to…


  • Walk along the ramparts towers the village, entering through the gate at Vence
  • Wander through the streets discovering historical monuments, archways, towers, ornate buildings and houses
  • Visit the chapel designed by artist Belge Falon
  • Roam the galleries, workshops and boutiques
  • Soak in the atmosphere in the mythical square where boules is played, imagine Yves Montant and Lino Ventura playing there just as they did many years ago
  • Have a drink at Café de la Place, where artists once wrote about the village’s history, and learn about them in the streets (Tobiasse, Chagall, Soutine, Léger, Jacques Prévert…)
  • Have a meal at La Colombe d’Or which has served some of the greatest artists of the 20th century
  • Try the local wine (the vineyards are just below the village’s ramparts), with a tasting and chance to try Provençal specialties at La Petite Cave de Saint Paul de Vence
  • Try Provençal specialties (olive oil, tapenade, pesto, terrine)
  • Go shopping at the farmers’ market
  • Discover the town at night with a candlelit tour every Thursday during summer (5 euros per person) and appreciate the village’s calmness and serenity, the evening coolness of the streets, their stories and their secrets


At St Paul we visit…


La Fondation Maeght 623 Chemin des Gardettes 06570 St Paul de Vence +33 4 93 32 81 63 Price: 10€ (with a student card)


Chapelle du Rosaire (decorated by H. Matisse) 466 Avenue Henri Matisse, 06141 Vence +33 4 93 58 03 26 Open every day apart from Friday. Sunday Mass at 10am.


Getting there: Take the Bus 400 at Jardin Albert 1er in Nice Masséna



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