Our accreditations & quality labels

Since its foundation, the alpha.b language school has had high-quality aims. In order to do this, alpha.b is either a member or is accredited by international and national organisations.

Alpha.b is the only French language school in Nice that is accredited by three of the most important organisations for quality both in France and internationally.

All the services that alpha.b offers are inspected regularly : our French language courses, our French language teachers, support of our students, hosting and premises.

Label Qualité FLE, IALC and Eaquals ensure high quality French language courses in a serious and well organised structure.

label qualite fle

Label Qualité FLE

Alpha.b has an FLE Quality Label (French as a foreign language).

The FLE quality label is the result of a quality-assurance assessment and is approved by an inter-ministerial commission of the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The FLE quality label recognises French language schools that offer high quality French language courses and services. Alpha.b and all French language schools recognized by Label Qualité FLE are inspected every four years.

The inspection is based on five criteria: French teachers, teaching and training courses, welcome and support, premises/safety/equipment and management.

The institut linguistique alpha.b received 3*** out of 3 for each criteria in 2019.

The 3*** mean that the level of quality is very satisfying.

For more information: www.qualitefle.fr

france education international


Eaquals, founded in 1991, is the leading professional association for language education around the world. To become an accredited member, language schools have to pass strict and regular inspection. In Nice, only two french language schools have fulfilled the criteria and are accredited members of Eaquals. Alpha.b passed its last inspection in June 2016, with excellent results.

For more information: www.eaquals.org


IALC is an international association, founded in 1983. It is a global network of accredited language schools offering high-quality language programs.

Only individual and independent language schools can be a member of IALC.

IALC guaranties a high level of professionalism and services.

In France, only 13 French language schools have reached the high standards to become a member of IALC – Alpha.b is very proud to be one of them.

During the IALC regular inspections, alpha.b is assessed on all areas of our services: french language courses, teaching, administration, premises, housing and activities.

For more information : www.ialc.org


Alpha.b French language school is an official member of Campus France. Campus France validated alpha.b’s membership in 2016 .

To become a member alpha.b had to fulfil the following criteria :
1. Establishment with the status of public or private higher education or national institute of research and / or training.
2. Establishment with state recognition.
3. Establishment with conventions, international partnerships and agreements with higher education institutions (French and foreign universities).

Campus France is in charge of promoting the higher education system and professional training in France abroad, including French language schools in France. Campus France also informs, organises, meets and receives international students through multiple initiatives.

For more information: www.campusfrance.org


Our French language courses are recognised by the governments of several states in Germany (Hessen, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein,Niedersachsen and Baden-Württemberg).

Contact us for further information : office@alpha-b.fr


The French language courses offered by alpha.b are recognised by the Swedish government. Swedish students who need to improve their French can follow a continuous French language courses (CSN) in our French language school in Nice.

Contact us for further information : office@alpha-b.fr

ESL Certificat d’excellence

What does le Certificat d’excellence ESL represent?

It is a network of partner schools who provide a high-quality service. The Certificat is awarded based on data collected from assessment feedback done by students.

The opinions and satisfaction of our clients, collected over a 12-month period, are analysed in October and the Certificat is awarded based on the results.

Which criteria must by fulfilled?

Based on evaluations done by our students, ESL judges the course centres’ facilities, the quality of teaching, the accommodation options and the free-time activities. The students’ reviews reflect all aspects of their language stay.

Conditions to be fulfilled by schools in order to obtain le Certificat d’Excellence ESL :

  • The overall evaluation score must be at least 4 out of 5
  • The school must be the subject of at least 20 evaluations throughout the year.

For more information: https://www.esl.fr/fr/voyage-linguistique/a-propos-d-esl/esl-certificate-of-excellence/index.htm

Groupement FLE

Our French language school is member of Groupement FLE.

This association brings together French language schools which offer a guarantee of quality services to their clients. As a member of the FLE Group we do adhere to a reference document based on criteria, firm commitments and audits.

For more information see www.groupement-fle.com


Our language school alpha.b is recognized as an “organisme de formation” in France by the Datadock.

Datadock is a unique data base on the professional training regarding the quality of the service.

Datadock verifies the conformity of the training organization via 6 standards defined by law.

More information on Datadock’s website.

Carte Jeunes Européenne

La Carte Jeunes Européenne est la carte avantages de référence en Europe pour les 12-30 ans à qui elle apporte des tarifs préférentiels dans tous les domaines.

Elle permet de bénéficier de réductions sur des séjours, des loisirs et sorties, l’hébergement, le sport, la culture, le transport…et de réductions dans les Alliances françaises de France !

Sa force : la réciprocité entre les 38 pays d’Europe ;

Avec ma carte jeunes je suis reconnu partout et bénéfice des 60 000 avantages et bons plans mis en place par les structures régionales ou nationales.

La carte est valable dans les 38 pays d’Europe suivants : Albanie, Allemagne, Andorre, Angleterre, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bosnie Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Ecosse, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Italie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine, Malte, Moldavie, Monténégro, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Russie, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Turquie et Ukraine.

Retrouvez tous les bons plans par pays, région, ville et thématique sur le moteur de recherche eyca.org (site en anglais) et sur cartejeunes.fr

Plus de 8 Millions de jeunes en Europe sont titulaires d’une Carte jeunes européenne.

La Carte Jeunes Européenne ne coûte que 10€ dans sa version digitale. Elle est valable 1 an.

La commande de la Carte Jeunes Européenne se fait en ligne sur cartejeunes.fr. 10 € vous seront demandés, par carte bancaire ou par Paypal, ainsi qu’une copie de votre pièce d’identité et une photo d’identité si vous voulez la carte plastique.

Pour plus d’informations :

carte jeunes européenne

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