To register, choose the course and then accommodation and transfer if you wish.

Booking Process

To book a course with alpha.b you have several options :

online : by filling in our registration form above or our paper form here

  • For registrations for 2025, fill out the form by clicking here.

    by phone : with our administration team +33 4 93 16 00 36
    by email at
    directly at the school by filling in our registration form on spot

With your booking, we kindly ask you to send us a copie of your passeport by email at

As soon as we receive your booking, we will check the availability for the course and the accommodation requested and we will get back to you under 48 working hours.

For underage students, the parents will receive our discharge form before the booking so they can decide whether or not alpha.b is the right fit for their child.
Parents will return the form signed and completed before any final booking.

Afterward, you will receive the confirmation, the invoice, the description of your accommodation, your login for the alpha.b App as well as all the practical information needed for your stay with us in our Student Handbook.

Please note that alpha.b asks for a prepayment of 25% of the total cost to guarantee your participation with your booking (by PayPal, bank transfer or VAD). If you booked an accommodation in a residence or in a hotel, we kindly ask you to pay 100% of the total price for the accommodation when you pay the deposit.

The total balance should be paid by the start of the course at the latest, via bank transfer, Paypal or directly on spot before 8.45 am (credit card, cash).


If you need more information or help with your registration, do not hesitate to contact us by phone: +33 493 160 036 or by email :

Payment for your French course

  • With confirmation of registration, we will send you an invoice for the total amount of your stay.
  • alpha.b asks you for a deposit of 25% of the invoice to guarantee your place.
  • The total invoice must be paid by the beginning of the course by bank transfer or directly on the spot in cash or credit card (except American Express).

For underage students

  • For students under the age of 18, parents must complete a discharge of responsability and acknowledgment of risks for minor child. Click here to download it.
  • The parents must be informed that alpha.b is a French school, fully respecting the European Norm EN14804 and cannot be considered at a summer camp or campus for minors.
  • Indeed, the parents need to understand that alpha.b cannot be held responsible of their child’s behaviour outside of the school and that alpha.b cannot monitor their child outside of its premises, even if their child is absent from class.
  • Besides, if the minor student is accommodated in a host family, the host family is not responsible for the child’s behaviour outside the supervised time decided with the school : from 7 pm until 8.30 am. Unless the parents have decided otherwise in the discharge of responsability.
  • Therefore, parents who choose our programme must be confident that their child is mature, independant and responsable enough to go out alone and use public transportation without any adult supervision.
  • More detailed information in our Discharge of responsability form.

Cancel registration – Change registration

  • In the case of cancellation, changes to the course or accommodation, please inform the alpha.b reception by email:
  • Attention, the 25% deposit will be retained if your cancellation is less than 10 days before the beginning of your stay or if you do not attend.
  • In the event of early departure, any course that has already been started is due to be paid in full except in extreme cases.
  • If for any reason the programs could not take place, we would only be obliged to refund the sums paid in full, without the participant being entitled to any compensation.

Insurance – registration

  • Our insurance covers: Any accident occurred in our custody, individual basic guarantees are acquired to you including repatriation and medical expenses
  • Our insurance does not cover: Any accident that occurred when you are not in our care as well as travel incidents, illnesses, hospitalization, repatriation
  • Schengen regulations: “Non-Schengen nationals must be guaranteed medical cover of at least 30 000 € and assistance in repatriation to their country of origin in order to obtain visas.
  • Any student coming to France for more than 3 months is obliged to insure themselves personally for health expenses.
  • Consult your insurance company about this.


  • EU citizens are exempted from visa requirements. For other nationalities, a tourist visa will be issued by the French Embassy of your country (unless special agreement) if your stay does not exceed 3 months. Beyond that, you will need to apply for a long stay student visa.

Disabled accessibility


  • French courses accessible to people with disabilities (motor, psychic, mental, cognitive, sensory) or debilitating diseases.
  • Accommodation in host families, hotels or hotel residences accessible to disabled people. Accessibilité checked by a staff member.
  • Setting up of an individual and detailed program for any disabled student.
  • Our school is within easy reach by public transport (tramway line 1 or 2, stop Jean Médecin).
  • Disabled persons contact in the school: Mrs Denysiuk Anja et Fayet Emeline, available Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 16:00 and by e-mail:

Send us an email with your request

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