How to use the Erasmus + scholarship to study in France

Since 2014 in Europe, the Erasmus + grant program has been available to allow European citizens to spend time abroad to develop their skills.


bourse erasmus


The language school alpha.b has welcomed Erasmus + scholars for many years, notably teachers of French as a foreign language who can participate in our “French for teachers” course every summer in July or for 2 weeks in December.

Erasmus + supports several different professional sectors including school teaching and higher education, professional training and even sport.

Erasmus + and French courses for teachers


In our capacity as a language school, as part of our partnership we are supporting the so-called key strategy n°1 of Erasmus +: mobility at the end of training.

This program is designed for members of educational organizations and their personnel (school, higher education, adult education, professional training) for their training period and teaching objectives.

At the school alpha.b we can support you for the entirety of your scholarship process.

To create your application, we will provide you with all of the information on our French for teachers program written by Priscilla, responsible for education.

We will also provide you with the new OID code which is: E10097406.

The school alpha.b is a member of Campus France, and you can find our French courses for teachers on their site. Click here.

Who can benefit from the Erasmus + grant?

Any individual can benefit, but you must enquire at an organization which runs a project financed by the program and apply for the grant.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are in need of advice.

How does our French for teachers course work with the Erasmus + grant?

Here is a video presentation of our French course for teachers:

The course lasts 2 weeks and includes 20 + 6 lessons.

You will have lessons every morning from 9am to 12.20am then 3 afternoon classes focusing on a specific theme.

Your tutors are very experienced teachers who will share their knowledge, teaching skills, and passion for the French language with you.

At the end of the two weeks you will have acquired new theoretical knowledge but also practical skills to put to use when you return to your students.

Do not hesitate to subscribe to our summer session which will take place from the 20th to the 31st of July 2020.


1 réponse
  1. Listas de 10
    Listas de 10 dit :

    The European Commission defines the priorities and objectives for the Erasmus + programme. The EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) manages the programme at the European level, while the Erasmus +  agency coordinates it in France.


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