Explore Monaco during your French course

Are you holidaying on the French Riviera, whether to study French or just to enjoy the sun, and would like to visit a lovely nearby town?

Why not explore Monaco ?


Explore Monaco

There are different ways to explore Monaco while you are on the French Riviera. You can do the touristic tour, with the little train or the hop and off bus. Or you can wander in the streets of the city, trying to find secret and typical places like in the Old Town for example.

You can also taste the specialities in one of the many restaurants in the city, or take the taxi-boat to cross the harbor ! It gives you an amazing view on the whole city.

You  can also gamble in the famous Casino in Monte Carlo and take pictures with the fancy cars parked out there.

You never get bored in Monaco ! Trust us 🙂

And if you want to know more, we will share with you our little secret places we like to show our French students.

In Monaco we like to…

  • Stroll through the alleys in the old town known as ‘Le Rocher’
  • Wander through the town’s gardens ; The Japanese Gardens and the Exotic Gardens
  • Try some local specialties in the restaurant ‘U Cavagnetu’
  • Go to La place du Casino and go inside the casino
  • See the luxury hotels and sports cars
  • Have a look around Port Hercules and go to the swimming pool in summer or ice skating in winter
  • Watch a concert in Monaco’s theatre
  • Try ‘royal chocolate’ at the ‘Chocolaterie de Monaco


And we visit…


Musée Océanographique (Aquarium) Av. St Martin, 98000 Monaco +337 93 15 36 00 Price: 14€ (adult)/10€ (under 18s)


Palais Princier de Monaco Place du Palais, Monaco +337 93 25 18 31 Price: 8€ (adult)/4 € (under 18s)


Getting there: Bus 100 or by train from la Gare SNCF


See www.lignesdazur.com

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