French language courses for adult students in the South of France.

Looking for a French language school in the south of France?

You are aged between 30 and 40 and don’t want to do a French language course with young students? So look for a French language school offering 30+ French language courses.

At alpha.b school in Nice, you can find a French immersion program which fits your requirements. You will be taught the French language in small classes with other international students of your age. You will review French grammar but also discover French culture.

french for teachers

During your 30+ French Program you will exchange with students of your age on interesting topics of French culture, French gastronomy, and all aspects of social life in France.

To choose a 30+ French language course in Nice is the best way to make sure that you have the right French language course for you.


You won’t be bothered with younger students who are interested in other topics of French language learning and French life. You will make new friends inside your French 30+ class.

Together you can go out in Nice and enjoy the lively city of Nice which is the capital of the French Riviera. You can join your French language immersion in Nice to a lot of excursions around Nice. You can do city trips to Monaco, you can visit Cannes and the famous Croisette.

french course for adults

You can do wine tasting in one of the nice wine shops in Nice. All this while practicing your French and talking in French with your classmates and your French language teacher.

Teachers at alpha.b are native French speakers and they have huge experience in teaching French as a foreign language. So know the city of Nice and its history and culture very well.

They will be able to make you discover unusual places of Nice and to understand the way of life people are having at the French Riviera.

Besides this, they have an excellent background of history and politics in France. They will make your French classes in Nice a successful language stay at the French Riviera.

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