Visit Monaco with our French students at alpha.b

A language study vacation in our French school Alpha b on the French Riviera could not be a completed without going to Monaco. By the way, what is Monaco? Is it a state? A city? Why is it a ruling prince and not a king? What is the official language?

All these questions will find their answers during our excursion into the city with students from the school between the view on the sea, the visit of the casino and the palace!

After your French class, take an afternoon to discover the luxe of a unique city-state. Only 25 minutes away from Nice by train, the appeal of the city will become obvious when you will arrive in front of the casino with its rows of sport cars and luxury brands pavilions. Take a minute to enter the casino to admire the work of the architect that also built the opera of Paris, before going to the terraces behind the monument and enjoy a stroll with a breathtaking view on the sea that only few people know about. After the tour of the port and marina with its luxurious yachts, it will be time to walk along the sea coast and climb up the Rock of Monaco! At the top, beside a lovely view of the marina and Monte Carlo, you could choose to visit the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco built in the side of a cliff. This museum hosts the collections of Albert I, keen maritime researcher, and a real aquarium with more than 6000 marine species of animals.


To end this cultural tour, it is obvious that you will have to see the Prince’s Palace of Monaco, official residence of Albert II. You will then understand how his family came to power more than 7 centuries ago.

The way down the Rock will mark the end of the visit with once again an astonishing view on the sea, to end your trip with a perfect image of the city.

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