IALC Workshop 2018 in Bologna, Italia

Alpha.b had the pleasure to participate once more in a workshop organised by IALC (International Association of Language Centres).

IALC is an organisation with language school members from all over the world. More than 100 schools specialised in teaching the language spoken in their county to foreign students agreed in a quality chart for language courses, accommodation, student welfare and social activities. alpha.b French language school is a IALC member school for 15 years now.


In April, for the 35th IALC Workshop, Laura and Anja (our alpha.b marketing team) had the pleasure to go to lovely Bologna where the workshop was hosted by A.L.C.E. Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee.

A IALC Workshop means meeting partner agencies specialised in selling language courses abroad but also make contact with new agencies for new markets. It is a kind of « speed dating ».

Every IALC member school has a table and during the 2 IALC Workshop days agencies stop by to chat and learn about new programs. So for us it was another great opportunity to talk about our French Courses in Nice and keep our agencies updated on our French language school.


But a IALC Workshop means also an additional evening program. This is not only to continue networking but also to discover and to experience the city of the hosting IALC member school.

And Bologna has a lot of highlights! Bologna is very dynamic and lively city with amazing places to visit. It is definitely a great place to go for an Italian language course. Language schools and agencies were able to discover really fantastic places and to enjoy really great Italian food.

Now there is some diet to do before summer time in Nice but it was definitely another great experience for alpha.b French language school.

You can read more information about IALC on their website : www.ialc.org

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