Kids Course : Museum Trip

During my time at alpha.b I accompanied one of the Kids Course classes on their trip to the Museum of Asian Arts. According to their teacher, Maria, during a week-long Kids Course one can normally expect 2 trips around Nice (provided it’s not too hot!). She ensured me that the children love these experiences and that the variety in their routine keeps them engaged and willing to learn.

Whilst there is normally a maximum of 10 students per class, for children, this is capped at 6 allowing the teacher to be more attentive with each pupil. This also guarantees their safety during these excursions which is fundamental and prioritised.

En route: headed to the train station!

There is a mixture of ages (9-15) and nationalities within the groups. This diversity creates a fun environment and the chance to interact with others of different cultures. I noticed that the language barrier didn’t seem to matter for them, as young children they’ll get on regardless!

Work booklet: puzzles and activities to complete.

We embarked on our outing and arrived at the main train station ‘Gare de Nice-Ville’. From there, we took the train to ‘Gare de Nice Saint-Augustin’ which only lasted 5 minutes but made the visit feel more like an adventure. After a short walk we arrived at the modern museum which was equipped with air-con and the perfect respite from the August sunshine.

Artefacts on display at the museum.

Once inside the museum, the children quickly got to work filling out their activity booklets, a great way to keep them focused and to incorporate French language into the visit.

Teacher-pupil interaction.

Following this, the children began solving the mystery code booklet which they could complete by watching the videos at various stations around the museum. With the incentive of a prize (gold (chocolate coins) when they cracked the code and the interactivity of this multimedia exercise, they thoroughly enjoyed this part of the day.

Prize: chocolate coins!

Overall, my trip to the museum with Maria’s class was very fun – which I think is the key to the kids course here at alpha.b. As a result, this allows them to progress with their French in a relaxed manner during their summer holiday!

To find out more about the Kids Course or any of the other courses we offer at alpha.b, visit our website:


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