How I improve my French with alpha.b – Yrsa

Il y a quelques semaines, Yrsa, étudiante suédoise était à alpha.b pour apprendre le français. Avant son départ, elle a accepté de nous rédiger un petit texte pour raconter son expérience. Un grand merci à elle !

YRSA témoignage

If I were to give Alpha B a grade I would have to give them a 4/5, and a lot of hugs. During my three months at the school I’ve learned so much more than I thought I would, and what’s even better is that I’ve never felt alone, misunderstood or confused when it has been about the education.

When I arrived in France I didn’t speak a word of French, but after only 9 weeks I had sufficient knowledge to finish my 12 week course early. I was then placed in another class and got new and more challenging exercises. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know any French at all or if you want to improve your current French skills, Alpha B will help you and provide you with the tools you need.


However great my experience was there were a few bumps in the road, for example my accommodation and my arrival was a bit confusing since I arrived with only an address and nothing else. I had to find my own way there and didn’t know what to do when I were to arrive, everything got sorted in the end though and since I have had a very good stay. If you are under 20 years old I would recommend you to stay with a host family, and if you’re above 20 I definitely recommend a shared apartment with other students as it is a good way to get to know new people and mature as a person. Alpha B has students in all ages.

In general I would say that Nice is a very calm and beautiful city with easy commutes to surrounding areas. And Alpha B does not only have great personnel, good courses and have engaged teachers but also provides sufficient information and guided tours of Nice, Monaco and more. New happenings are presented every week if you want to do something other than the usual, like salsa dancing or have a crepe-party!

In conclusion I must say that when I want to improve my French, if I could I would definitely return to Alpha B and I hope to see them all again.


Yrsa Söderlund, 22, Sweden.


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