tramway nice

New Tramway Nice : From the airport directly to class at alpha.b

Ever wonder if you could directly from the airport to our alpha.b French school in 25 minutes with the tramway ?

Last weekend a new eyecatcher did his entrance in Nice : the new tramway “ligne 2” between Jean Médecin, the main avenue in Nice to the airport.

We have been waiting for this super tram to enter town for thirteen years, when they made the first plans for the tramway.

It will bring you in 26 minutes from the airport to center of Nice.

This weekend a new station opened at Avenue Jean Médecin.

And for now the tram is not going further since the last stations to reach « Le Port » are still under construction.

With this new innovating way of transporting around town, there are supposed to be fewer cars on the Promenade des Anglais.

And with less cars I mean, 20 000 cars less.

Together with that they also planted 2 400 trees along the rails, and to complete the list of ecological reasons why to take the tram; well, it’s way faster than going by car, and not even half as polluting.

As mentioned before, the tramline is still under construction, it serves now every station from the airport until Avenue Jean Médecin (big shopping street in Nice).

This autumn, the tram will go until Place Garibaldi, and after the last phase of construction the tramway will bring you along the beautiful view in the Port of Nice to the terminus.

tramway nice

The advantages of the new tram are not only for the environment but also for Alpha b.

Our students who prefer to stay in our residence « France Riviera », on Rue de France, will enjoy a lot of benefits from the tram.

This supersonic tramway stops right in front of the residence and brings you 200 meters from alpha.b in less than 4 minutes. This makes not only the school but the entire city center even more accessible for our students living in this residence.

You can recognize the new tram by his fancy red design.

The exact name of the color is called “ocre” in French. This was chosen by a vote of the citizens.

The choice of the color is inspired by the monumental buildings on Place Massena and the villa of the famous painter Henri Matisse.

The tram on the inside has a modern design with red accents.

tramway nice

While they were constructing the tram they thought in every possible way how to make a travel as easy and comfortable as possible.

That’s why they improved the air-conditioning system and the heating, to deal with the hot temperatures in the summer but as well, the warm up the passengers during the winter.

Last but not least there is free Wi-Fi on the tram and for most of the youth I think that is probably the most important announce in this whole article.

We hope to see you soon hopping on the tram on your way to alpha.b.


Crédit photo : Tramway Ligne d’AZUR

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