Our videos French for beginners

French for beginners

It is not always easy to learn a new language.

Especially when you are a beginner in French.

Sometimes you want to start but you are always afraid of not understanding, of not being able to keep up, of being quickly overwhelmed.

This is why at alpha.b we organise sessions several times a year, dedicated to beginners only.

A small class (about 5/6 students, maximum 10) with a teacher who has a communicative and positive pedagogy to help you learn as quickly as possible.

Our next dates for beginners this year are: 05/07 – 02/08 – 30/08 – 25/10

With our beginner’s method of learning French you will make progress very quickly by following our continuous course.

If you want to progress even faster, you can also book individual lessons with our highly qualified French teachers.

Would you like to book your French for beginners course? Click here.

Learn French for beginners for free

While waiting for your arrival in Nice, we invite you to register for free in our « Free French Classroom » where many videos and exercises are available to learn French.

There are exercises for all levels from A1 to C1 with videos, quizzes, pdf courses.

All of the material is created by our teaching staff.

But we have just created a special section for French for beginners with videos made by Basil

french for beginners

The specificity of these videos is that they are trilingual: in French to learn the basic phrases and then in English and German to facilitate understanding.

For the moment you can find 2 themes:

  • Introducing yourself in French
  • Doing your shopping

débutant français

At the end of the videos, you will find a quiz to test your knowledge.

Each week, we also post these videos on TikTok @alphabfrenchschool and Instagram: @alphabfrenchschool

Don’t hesitate to follow us for your daily dose of French.

We are waiting for you in Nice for this summer !




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