Which course to choose for your language stay

The borders have reopened and we are delighted to welcome students from all over the world to our French language school in Nice.

But you may be wondering which course to choose this summer during your language stay?

At alpha.b we offer all types of courses, as in previous years.

Depending on your wishes and needs, you can choose between :

General French courses:

French for beginners: if you have never learnt French before, this continuous course of 15 hours per week is for you. There are two starting dates this summer: 5 July and 2 August.

Continuous course 15h per week: all levels, from A1 to C1, 20 lessons per week (i.e. 15h) in groups of 6-8 people (10 maximum); from 9am to 12.20pm (break from 10.40am to 11am)

Intensive course 22h30 per week: all levels, from A1 to C1, group of 6-8 people (10 maximum), 20 lessons continuous course + 10 lessons intensive course (i.e. 22h30/week) – Continuous course every day from 9am to 12.20pm (break from 10.40am to 11am) + intensive course 3 afternoons per week from 1.15pm to 4pm (break from 2.45pm to 3pm)

Combined course: 20+5, 20+10, 20+15 or 20+20 French lessons per week. Lessons will take place from 9.00-10.40 / 11.00-12.20 + number of individual lessons chosen (+5, +10, +15 or +20 / week)

Exam preparation courses:

A Level course from 05/07/21 to 20/08/21: 30 lessons per week (22,5 hours)
mornings: 9-10.40 / 11-12.20 (20 lessons = 15 hours) + 3 afternoons: 13.15 – 15.45 (10 lessons = 7.5 hours)

Leaving Certificate course: 26 lessons per week (19.5 hours) morning: 9-10.40 / 11-12.20 (20 lessons = 15 hours of class time) + afternoon: 6 lessons = 4.5 hours of class time

DELF course: two dates this summer: 28/06 and 02/08 – 26 lessons per week (19.5 hours) morning: 9-10.40 / 11-12.20 (20 lessons = 15 hours of class) + afternoon: 6 lessons = 4.5 hours of class

For each course, in the morning you will receive general French instruction to work on the 4 skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression.

Courses according to your age :

Kids Course: all summer from 28 June to 27 August, 15 hours per week from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12.20pm. Parents can also take a course at the school: continuous or 30+.

30+ course: for adults over 30, mini group of maximum 8 students, every morning from 9am to 12.20pm and 30+ intensive option with all afternoons.

Course 50+: On 23 August or 25 October the senior course will take place over 2 weeks.

Then in the afternoon you will work on your specific objectives in group or individual lessons.

Want to book your course for this summer?

Do not hesitate to contact us by email on office@alpha-b.fr or to fill in our online form: alpha-b.fr/inscription-cours-de-francais/


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